10 Prompts for Creative Journaling
By now, you've heard us talk a lot about WHY you should start a creative practice. Today, let's focus on the HOW. We know the hardest part of any new habit is the starting - especially if it's been a while since you last exercised your creative muscles. To get you over that hurdle, we're sharing our 10 easy to use prompts to get your juices flowing.
Scouts + Shouts
What’s up buttercups? Friday is here - so that means Scouts + Shouts. If you’re new here, we use this column to share link list of things we've scouted to help you on your creative journey. Could be products we love, artists we're inspired by, recent reads, listens and must-sees. Think of us as your own personal creativity coach, here to inspire + prod you on your own journey. Today we’re sharing interior + art inspiration, a favorite online class to ramp up your sketchbook practice and the perfect list for a Netflix and chill weekend ahead.
Our Favorite Tools for Making Art
Pssst. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. We love shopping for art supplies ALMOST as much as we love the making of the art. Seriously. We love touching, feeling, testing colors, dreaming up new things to make solely based on our love affair with the supplies. A well-stocked supply cabinet means we’re never without tools to create and helps inspire us endlessly. Today, we’re sharing our favorites to get your own art cabinet stocked.