Scene of something that won’t happen today.
Scene of something that won’t happen today.
I *try* most days to do something personally creative. Painting, collage, arranging flowers, styling a wall or room.
Who's in for a good vision board making session?
Wow. Whose 2020 is unfolding like you planned?
Instead of dwelling on what ISN'T happening in the way we planned, let's refocus our energy on what we've learned, where we want to shift, how we want to use this slightly slower pace to rethink our goals.
Friday- This One Feels Different
Hello Friday.
These days, Friday’s have just become another day as weekdays and weekends all mesh together.
When you’re spending the majority of your time at home, it’s easy to lose track of time. For the days to feel like never-ending repetitions of the one before. And the one to come.