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Who's in for a good vision board making session?

Wow. Whose 2020 is unfolding like you planned? 

Instead of dwelling on what ISN'T happening in the way we planned, let's refocus our energy on what we've learned, where we want to shift, how we want to use this slightly slower pace to rethink our goals.

Jill Elliott journal pages

Vision boards are one of the most effective visual tools I use in building my business, my life, my hobbies. 

Thoughtfully done, this process brings shape to dreams and emotions I want to manifest in the weeks and months ahead. 

Simply going through the process brings clarity to my thinking, focus to my plans and leaves me with a curated visual + tangible reminder of the life I want to build.

Here's how to get started_



I love white or black foam core board for creating vision boards. There are LOADS of sizes and options for this, so have fun picking the right one for you.


 Glue sticks, Washi tape or pushpins work equally well. I prefer something non-permanent so I can revise my board as the year moves along.

Cutting tools.

 X-acto knife, ruler, scissors or a paper cutter are all great tools to have on hand. 


Magazines, old books, photographs all work well. 

Set the vibe. 

A good playlist to inspire creative vibes, a big work area (floors work great for this!) and light some candles to keep it dreamy and inspiring.

Nosh and nourish. A cheese board, some wine, and good chocolate. All things are better with chocolate, right?

Jill Elliott colorful desk


Set an intention. Or many. 

I like to make one vision board for my entire world — work, family, love, hobbies, wellness, travel. 

Others prefer to have a separate vision board for each area of their life, or to only focus on one for the entire year. 

Let your intuition guide you here and decide the best approach for you. 

Really think about what you want to accomplish in the coming year. What emotions do you want to feel more of? Less of? How do you want to live? 

You might find it best to journal about this prior to starting the image-gathering process to really bring clarity to mind. 

This intentional thinking will be important as you select images to bring your vision to life.

Curate images. 

Find images that support your intention, and the life you want to build in the year ahead.

 Images should not just portray the WHAT of what you want to manifest, but also the EMOTION of what you're hoping to call in. 

The colors, people, objects that show up on your final board should bring a smile to your face. 

I collect LOTS of images in a Pinterest board when I'm in the intention setting phase to have an abundance to choose from as I start my planning. 

Great resources for images are favorite blogs, Pinterest, Instagram and Unsplash — really any image that speaks to you is vision board worthy.

Build your board. 

A reminder, this board is JUST FOR YOU so arrange the images in a way that speaks to your soul. 

You could organize each area by focus (work or home, for example.) Or let the colors of the images guide you in how they are arranged. 

There is no right or wrong way to do this — so just arrange and rearrange until you find what works for you. Stick the images to your surface once you've found a layout that you love.

Find a home for your board. 

Pick a spot in your home or workspace that you'll see your board regularly. 

The magic of this work comes in not just the building, but the visual reminder it gives you to give your time, energy, and resources to the things that support the life you want to build. 

Review often. 

I'm a big fan of viewing these boards as evolving pieces of work.

Take time to review it often and rearrange, add, or remove as needed to keep it as aspirational and inspiring as you need to move you toward your goals.

Giving yourself space, time, and a creative outlet to dream about your future is such a gift. One that can bring more positivity, intention, and purpose to your year ahead.

Done well, vision boards are a thing of beauty, intention and magical manifestation. 

Jill Elliott desk + gallery wall

Done not-so-well, and it's one more thing taxing on a cluttered mind preventing you from taking inspired action.⁣

I love this process SO much. For work, for personal goals, for LIFE. Carefully selecting each image to match the intentions I'm setting in the year ahead. 

If you'd like to join me, leave an "I'm in!" in the comments and I'll share my process with you as I go.

Talk Soon, 


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