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Scouts + Shouts


Hello friends, happy Friday! This week was a blur, a blip, a how-is-it-already Friday type of a week for me. I had forgotten the norm that these types of a week used to be for me until I hit this one full-speed ahead. And woah, am I outta practice. I’m looking forward to some downtime this weekend to catch up on my writing, my making and with my people. What’s on your agenda for the days ahead?

One of my favorite stylists giving good advice on creating your own 10-color palette. I love this approach for your space, to simplify your wardrobe and even art.

An inspiring interview with the creative director of Hay.

As if you needed one more reason to visit Paris in 2020.

This 1750’s farmhouse reimagined as a modern, colorful home is goals.

A little piece I wrote on staying connected to your intentions.

And also. Color crushin’ on mustard and five podcasts I’m digging right now.

Happy weekend my friends!

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