Becoming. noun. the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state.
I credit Michelle Obama with bringing this word into everyday conversation and thinking. Her book, and subsequent tour came out around the same time I was shifting directions in my personal + professional life. Reading her journey, and hearing her speak was a refreshing perspective. Instead of framing all she’s done as a look at me moment, she instead views her life as a journey. One of becoming her best self. I embraced this mentality, hungry for something that spoke to me in the transitional phase of my life that was 2018. A time in my life, where I for once am unable to clearly answer some of the most basic conversational questions. As I work to become the next version of me. An entrepreneur. A more dedicated yogi. An (amateur) painter. A more connected and present mom, friend and daughter.
I think this becoming is true for any of us. We’re always in the process of becoming something else. Chasing the next thing. A title, a house, a city, a love. As I reflect on who I’ve become in the past 18 months, I see a woman who is a little happier, a little braver, more confident and compassionate than I had been in a years. More me. And as I look ahead, I hope there are many more me-s I’ll become.
You know what else all this talk of becoming made me think? What about where we are now? Do we stop to celebrate those moments along the way - the moments that make the becoming SO worth it? So, for today. Just today. I think we could all use a moment to just be. To celebrate where we are at the moment. The person we’ve become so far. Give yourself a hug, a high five, a bubbly drink, a break. Whatever you need in this moment to just appreciate YOU. In your journey. Wherever you are on the road to becoming the best version of you - that’s a moment worth celebrating.
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