Hello friends! I am happy to see the weekend. The weather’s indecision this week in Texas has stirred up allergies something terrible, and I’m hoping to sneak in some rest + recover time for both me and my daughter.
The grey days of winter have me dreaming of sunny beaches, colorful creations and happy days. Today’s scouts and shouts are links, reads, finds and buys to bring a little sunshine to your weekend!
Love this colorful project to do with s. and as a way to repurpose canvases into new life.
Looking to try this yumminess this weekend - vibrant veggies to nourish.
Coveting these happies for my morning coffee or afternoon tea.
There’s nothing I love more than a trip somewhere new. The planning, the packing, the learning new cultures and trying new things. Fantasizing about a reading, relaxing, soul-warming trip here or here.
I live in dresses and sneakers from spring to fall. After a recent closet purge, I’m eyeing these newbies to add to my steady rotation. Here, and here.
This week’s posts_ Terrazzo color crush and Loving the Me I’m Becoming.
Happy weekend loves.