Morning is the time of day that I most treasure. Something in the quiet of the house, the softly casted light, the possibility of what the day might bring is a salve to my soul — inviting me to get curious, still, creative.
To explore and create, it is in this time my mind feels free to dream and wander.
Mornings are the time when I feel the most connected to my creativity, my purpose, the magic that is inside me. They are when I do my best creating work.
Painting. Writing. Planning. Creating. All of these things come easier in the morning. Before the clutter of the day creeps in. The endless tasks of life and work and laundry and momming break in and steal me from my morning cocoon of wonder and possibility.
This love of mornings is a new-ish habit. Found nine years ago, in the midst of a life change. Divorce, a job shift, a move — catalysts for me finding ways to invite more creativity and intentional living into my days.
As the day moves, so to does the pressure from the outside - the endless tasks of life and work and momming. The robo calls, the spam emails, the array of meetings, all time-sucking attention thieves breaking me of my morning cocoon of wonder and possibility.
Inspired by Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way book — and her life-changing daily practice of morning pages, I started to rise a little earlier. At first to write, yes, and then slowly to meditate, to create messy and quick art, to read. To welcome the new day on my terms with some space for calm and joy and gratitude.
Little did I know this small start would be the catalyst to shifting everything in my life. Nine years of countless morning pages, of exploring a creative practice in and outside of work, of quiet reflection and calm beginnings.
What started as an activity in getting in touch with my curiosity has lead me to this creative life I’m pursuing. A life of painting and learning and failing and trying again.
An artist’s life of finding new ideas to pursue and new ways to bring those to life.
A purpose that so far seems to be in sharing creativity and joy with others, through my art, through my writing, through my joy.
If you’re looking to bring a bit more openness and wonder into your life, start with something new. START NOW.
The holidays, busy as they are, are the perfect time to reflect on the year that’s passed and imagine the year (and life) ahead.
What in your life is serving you, what needs to move on?
What small changes can you make to invite a bit more curiosity and purpose in your life?
If you a jolt of inspiration, I’ve curated a reading list for you. My best reads to inspire your creative journey and help unlock your purpose.
Great to gift, especially to yourself, for anyone needing a bit of joy and wonder in their days this holiday season.