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A Little Joy Goes a Long Way.

Joy, it seems, would be easy to find. Abundant in the month of December. Sparkling lights casting a welcoming glow inside and outside of our homes. The love and care that goes into the traditions of the holidays - from hosting, to gifting, to gathering. Festive parties, festive foods, festive fun. 

Call me a little scroogy, this amount of joy is also completely overwhelming.

The expectation of the holidays, the idea of the perfect gift, the easy party, the flawless home donned for holiday cheer is A LOT, my friends. 

A lot of pressure on the joy builders. The magic makers, behind the scenes, donning the tree, buying the gifts, planning the gathering... 

A lot of hurriedness to get from party to dinner to event to family photos...

A lot of a lot. 

This year. I'm doing it a bit different. 

Scaling back the DOING of the magic to create a simpler holiday in hopes of BRINGING the magic in terms of connection, calm and presence.

Simpler menu, most likely ordered and not prepared. 

Fewer gifts for all of my people. Less to buy. Less to wrap.

Pared back holiday decor. Our usual tree and mantle, but LESS. Less ornaments out, less decor throughout the house. 

Fewer parties, fewer dinners, with the hopes that I can be more fully present at each gathering.

I'm realizing that maybe a little magic is just enough. That giving myself permission to do less in this season of more is the best gift I can give to those around me.

Join me? 

A few things inspiring joy in this season:

This poem speaking my language and the start of this idea of a simpler holiday. 

The happiest stairs making me want to paint our own. 

I'm deeming this the year of cakes and fresh flowers as gifts.

Sarah Martinez's painting videos are inspiring me so. 

The Holiday. A classic movie, oft on repeat for me these days. Usually with a cup of tea, from bed. 


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