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GRATEFUL (beyond.)

As we step away from the studio for a few weeks to be present with our loved ones, we want to leave you with a gratitude list—a chapter-closing practice we celebrate often, especially at the calendar shift of a bright New Year. 

As creatives, we're big fans of ritual and reflection. Taking time to note our lessons, wins, and joys is an exercise that keeps us curious, humble, and grounded - connected to our source + our creativity. 

Our mission as a studio has always been about JOY. Finding, creating, and sharing JOY in all the ways we can.

Often, it's about color and marks, art and design. 

Painting and making products for your life and your home that we hope brings some happy curiosity to your space. 

Sometimes, it's more about inspiring you to find your own joy. Whether we're sharing a funny meme, an inspirational quote, a beautiful room, a thoughtful article - it's all an invitation. A call we hope you answer that leads you back home to your joy, your connection, your creativity.

We recently read that gratitude is a gateway to presence, and we couldn't agree more. 

We are grateful for SO much in this season, especially:

All the ways 2023 reminded us of our humanity. Forcing us to be a bit slower, stiller, more human. To look at the world through a lens of love and connection, even amidst all the grief and turmoil. 


All the lessons 2023 brought to our doorstep. That it's good to hug, to ask questions, to try new things - without reservation. That change is good, even when it doesn't work out - our brains and our bodies like to try new things. 


All the connections we made, far and wide. This studio brings us SO much. Most especially the best people. People who support and love and share our mission of creating + sharing JOY. People who love color and art and each other. 

We wouldn't exist without YOU. 

We're grateful for our work, our purpose and getting to build that out daily. 

We feel privileged beyond belief - and recognize the gift that is. 

As a way to thank you for your presence and support, we're supporting the important work of the International Rescue Committee this season. We recognize the need for this work, now more than ever, of helping people affected by the humanitarian crises facing our world to survive, recover and rebuild their lives. 

Thank you for supporting us, for celebrating with us, for spreading your light and joy and creativity with the world. It is so needed. 

We wish you a beautiful holiday season and look forward to dreaming big with you in 2024. 



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