

2024 : Coming into Focus.

I am learning there are two types of January people.

The first (of which I have been most of my life) are the in-with-a-bang go-getters! The hit the ground runners, overhaul your life, resolution setting, up and at 'em type. Most of the posts and articles following me around the web are aimed at this mindset. The 30 days to a WHOLE NEW YOU approach.

The second, which I have been happily embracing these past few years is more of a gentle shift into a new calendar year. No sweeping resolutions, no life overhaul, no new year new me.

Inspired by Katherine May's fantastic book Wintering, I've enjoyed a slower approach to the calendar shift January brings. As May so clearly writes, all beings go through a much-needed winter. A time to retreat, to refresh, to remember that life is cyclical and not linear. Why, I wondered, was I trying to summer in winter? To try to work and push and bloom and birth new thoughts, ideas, projects, resolutions - in a season meant for stillness, steady, calm growth. Not so visible, but much needed work - under the surface. Roots and watering and rest happening to prepare for the new in the seasons ahead.

These days, I usher in the month with a quiet reflection. A celebration of the year that's behind. Some time to celebrate (something this recovering perfectionist is trying to do more of.) Some time to mourn. Mostly some time to think and dream about what I want to carry forward into the future. 

I'll be exploring more of this and how I approach visioning for the year ahead in the coming weeks. Slowly. Steadily. With intention. And plenty of time for rest. I hope you'll join me. 



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