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What I'm Doing More of This Month


Happy January! Am I glad to see you? I LOVE beginnings. Mondays, a blank journal, mornings. I love the optimism, the excitement the wonder at what will unfold. This year, as I work on being more present in every moment versus checking boxes on a never-ending list of things to do, but not enjoy - I’m starting the first month off with a little less on my doing list and focusing more on my being list.

SEEKING BEAUTY. I love finding beauty in the everyday. I find it in nature in a decaying leaf and in art in wondrous color combinations. It draws out my curiosity and energizes me. I am working to SEE the beauty around me everywhere - even in the chaos + mess, and note it, appreciate it and maybe capture a photo to celebrate and document it. Part of my approach this month is a weekly art date. Hitting a museum, a favorite restaurant or simply reading a magazine - something that just lets my eyes wander and soak in some happy. Building this into my week ensures I’m never too far away from the inspiration and joy I need to keep my creativity fueled for writing, work and life.

PRACTICING GRATITUDE.Thanks to this beautiful journal I’m back in the groove of a daily gratitude practice. Starting and ending my day with a few moments of writing with intention, love and reflection is calming beyond belief. The format of the book is beautiful, quick and organized in a way to bring clarity and thoughtfulness to your day. I’m finding myself noting moments as they happen that I know will make my gratitude list that evening, helping me be aware and grateful along the way as life happens.


WEEKLY FUN DATE WITH S. In 2018, I made more time to play + make art with my daughter. She’s a big thinker with big emotions best able to express her worries while she is having fun and feeling safe and connected. This year, we’re planning our fun dates in advance so that she can be involved in the planning. I see lots of at home science experiments in our future like this fun one we did last week.

MONO-TASKING. I'm a scattered, multi-tasking master by nature. BUT. This has led to many mistakes and being absent minded in a conversation, task or event. This year, I’m stopping the multi and approaching one thing at a time. This means breathing slowly while doing the dishes vs running through a list of what needs to be done next. Putting my phone away. Turning off email notifications while I’m working. Reading one book, start to finish vs a precarious stack that I rotate through - not retaining much, nor finishing a book. I’ve been at this for a little over a week now, and hard as it is to rewire my brain, I’m finding so much peace in one task, one conversation, one moment - I’m not sure why I didn’t try this long ago.


LISTENING TO MY BODY. In 2019, I’m committing to daily movement + daily quiet time. Both needed on the regular to help me be my best self. For work, for life, for momming - I’m better when I’ve had a bit of alone time AND some time to move my body. I fought against these for years, always finding other things that seemed more important than ME and my needs to eat away my day. Today, these are as important as any meeting, deadline or task on my list and I keep them sacred. The frantic, stressed me that shows up without these pockets of time is no good for anyone in my life.

What are you doing this month to start 2019 off just right for you?

Also. A few words I’m loving in case you’re in need of a pep talk today. Here, here and here.

Images via 1 / 2 / 3

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