The Color Kind.
creative living every day
Hi There.
Welcome to The Color Kind. Day 1. As a lifelong creative, both at work and at home I’m SO excited that you’re here. From my own practice, especially in the consistent daily journal habit I’ve built in the past year, I’ve reconnected with the joy, calm and purpose that setting aside a few minutes a day to practice creativity can bring. Confidence, connection, stress relief, innovative thinking and FUN are just a few of the reasons I choose to practice creativity. Daily. Some days this looks like painting, others a nature walk and still others creating a meal from scratch. Whatever form your creativity takes, there is benefit and joy to be found.
We also believe a world fueled by creativity is a better place to live. And we're not alone in this thinking. Anyone who has practiced creativity knows the feeling that comes from their work. The sense of purpose, community, happiness that comes from being in the zone. Working on your craft, enjoying the process - not worrying about the outcome.
More recently, medical professionals, scientists, researchers, journalists and educators are touting the many physical, mental and social benefits to practicing creativity daily.
Benefits to having a creative practice_
+Reduces stress and anxiety
+Promotes risk-taking and innovation
+Gives you a sense of purpose
+Increased happiness and play
+Connects you with others of your kind
Show up. Be curious. Have fun.
Really. It's that simple.
Yea, yea - you say. "But I'm not creative!" We call b.s. on this statement. And we're here to help you find your path to creativity. Ready to hear our secret?
Show up. Be curious. Have fun.
Really. It's that simple.
The practice + the process are the point. Not the outcome. Just by developing your own creative habit, you'll enjoy the benefits immensely.
Join us to find your groove. To be inspired, to find your practice and to share your journey.
The Color Kind. Space for you to find inspiration. Ideas + activities for unlocking your creativity. Tools to help you hone and practice your craft. Curated goodies to inspire and delight you. And a like-minded community to share your journey.
Welcome. We're glad you're here!
xx, jill