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Scouts + Shouts

Hello TCK friends!  Happy Friday.  Each Friday, we'll be sharing a link list of things we've scouted to help you on your creative journey.  Could be products we love, artists we're inspired by (shout-out!) or recent reads, listens and must-sees.  Think of it as your own personal creativity coach, scouring the web + the world to bring the can't miss straight to you, weekly.  Yes, we're that good.  

We're looking forward to the long weekend.  Some extra time to write, make and create new work with a little extra downtime somewhere in between.  If you're not sure where to start on your own creative practice, be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram to find ideas + inspiration to just get started.  

A snapshot from Shay's daily journal.

A brief history on color theory.  Color nerds unite.

To say we're a little dot obsessed over here would be an understatement.  We're especially loving these colorful stickers to design cards, journal entries and of course - our branding.  

An oldie, but goodie read full of ideas to try your hand at a new craft this weekend.  

Color crush moment

These bowls are a must-have for organized (and beautiful) prep.

Rugs as art?  This dreamy Brooklyn loft will have you saying YES.

Six Ted Talks to boost creativity.  

Have a happy weekend!


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