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Scouts + Shouts


The last week before the last week of school for my daughter. I am moving between total checked-out senioritus and a full-on panic mode about having 12 weeks of mostly unstructured days to balance being a mom, a consultant, a writer and an entrepreneur. The dance never gets old, and I truly, truly doubt I will ever master it. It’s a fun dance isn’t it? Having things in your life that you love, that you grow from and with and that inspire you to be a better person every single day. All good things. Remind me this in the middle of July when I’m ripping my hair out, please? K.

Today, a few things on my summer bucket list that are inspiring, giving me life and making me smile and relax into the chaos ahead.

What I read and loved this week_ An essential read on essentialism. How to make weekends feel longer. and Beyoncé and plant-based eating.

I hosted a creative night in last week, and am still glowing in all the creative, community, connection that was flowing around my dining room table with some dear friends. We focused on making collages, and I think there’s going to be a LOT more of them in my future. A few artists I’m obsessed with in this space right now_ Sophie Klerk, Elizabeth Lever and Rex Ray.

Working to up my floral arranging game this summer.

I’m compiling a summer project list of art to make with Sofia. This, this and this are on our list so far. Should I publish our entire list for you too?

So simple, but so delicious made with the freshest veggies of our CSA box this week.

Also this week. I’m talking anxiety + how I manage it on Wit & Delight. What to do when inspiration leaves the building. AND color crushing on Australian artist Tess Guinery.

Happy weekend loves!

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