Hello friends! Happy Friday. Hope that you are looking forward to a weekend of cozy, festive and merry. We have some final gift shopping to check off our list, a holiday party and some fun outings with kiddos planned. Will be soaking in all the happy + joy this time of year brings!
Today’s scouts + shouts_ colors + techniques that are inspiring our latest project, creative parenting + a few reads to get us through the holidays.
How to raise a creative child? Love this breathe of fresh air approach to parenting creative kids.
This color combo giving me holiday dressing inspo.
A quirky, colorful Dutch home.
I’m working on self-portraits at the moment. Trying to push some abstract color play into my work inspired by this, this and this.
Some holiday survival tips + tricks that we’re bookmarking for the break here and here.
In case you missed it, we toured Jill’s space yesterday, talked teal + red on color crush Wednesday and shared the last of our gift guides this week.
Happy weekend!
xx, jill