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5 Ways to Sneak in Creative Time This Week


Well. It’s official. The last week before Christmas. A mad dash right up until the 25th. If you’re anything like us, your days are packed with last minute shopping, wrapping, shipping and fretting about all the little details ahead. A recipe for stress + joy killing if we ever saw one.

Which is precisely why we’re making sure we sneak some creative time into each day. To keep us calm. Connect us to something happy, fun and joyful. To make sure we take a break to notice the most little beautiful details all around us.

A few of our favorite ways to get in some creative time, daily_

1. Photograph your favorite images to inspire. Could be clever details, beautiful color combinations, intricately wrapped gift or decked halls. Doesn’t matter what it is, start to notice and document the details in your day that bring you joy.

2. Make a meal. Take some time to whip up a new-to-you recipe. Something just a little out of your comfort zone. The act of following a recipe, chopping + mixing ingredients helps your brain to focus on just that one task…giving you a few minutes off from the ever-running list of to-dos that are ahead. A few of my favorite places to seek inspiration here and here.


3. Start a ‘someday’ list. Things you want to do. You know, someday. Write a book. Learn French. Plant a garden. Organize paint swatches by color (just me?) Taking a few minutes to dream will connect you to the more creative side of your brain and inspire you to just be free for a bit. Think of it as a head start on your 2019 intentions!

4. Draw, doodle, dance or paint during your morning coffee. Take a few extra minutes during your morning routine and use your hands to get moving. It sets a creative tone for your day, freeing your brain up to find happy and gives you an excuse to play with color, music, whatever your chosen outlet is.

5. Take a nap. Yes. A nap. Studies show that napping can increase your creative thinking. And we all know a quick nap certainly improves your mood. The trick, we think, is to keep the nap on the shorter side (30-45 minutes) to prevent nap hangover that derails the rest of your day.

Here’s to finding a few moments to free your mind, move your hands, dream and be creative this week!

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