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Our Favorite Reads for Creativity

Here at Color Kind Studio, we're super readers. Nerds, often surrounded by stacks of books and magazines and newspapers - always scouring for our next bit of inspiration or good story.

Below, we're sharing a few of our favorite reads on creativity. We've picked a mix of inspirational, motivational, quick + not-so-quick reads to build your library.

Each of these books has in some way, played a role in getting us to the point where creativity is no longer a hobby or a profession for us, but our calling. It's a daily practice that keeps brings us joy, anxiety at bay, and connects us to our purpose.  

It's WHY we started this business - to share our art and creativity with you and hopefully inspire you to wander down your own creative path. 

Our favorite must-reads ahead

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert.  The ultimate read for anyone on the creative path, professional or hobbyist alike. Elizabeth Gilbert's infectious love affair with creativity is told through the lens as only she can.  Humorous, honest and happy. If you're in need of a creative kick in the seat, read this and start your own creative story - STAT.  

The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron. This masterpiece is over 25 years old, and still as relevant and powerful today as it was when it was published. Meant to be read one chapter per week, it is both book + workbook to develop and train your creative habit. When I'm feeling a bit stuck, I'll go back to this time and again to replay an exercise and push through my block.  

You Are a Circle - Guillaume Wolf. Quick + inspirational, each page contains a poetic meditation and a beautiful circle print. I often flip to a page whenever I'm in need of some creative contemplation and at times journal directly onto the pages. It's become a living, breathing homage to my creative journey that I love revisiting.  

Creative Confidence - Tom Kelly + David Kelly. From the brothers behind IDEO, a powerhouse global design company + pioneer in design thinking, this gem is full of stores + examples of how creativity can be used across ANY field or area. This book will prove, through both fact based research and beautiful storytelling - that ALL of us were born creative and fearless, and help you find your way back to that truth.  

The Creative Habit_  Learn It and Use It for Life - Twyla Tharp.  A choreographer and artist, Twyla Tharp explores creativity from the place of building it into your daily life. Practical and informative, you'll discover thirty-two exercises to develop your habit and keep it going for years to come.  

Steal Like An Artist - Austin Kleon. Inspiring, modern + entertaining - this quick witted read will be your best friend + creative coach cheering you on to JUST BE YOU. Your work can, and should, be influenced by what's around you - but finding ways to make it your own, unique to you, is the work of any good creative. Austin Kleon knows this first-hand and graciously shares it with you, dear reader, as you follow along in his short + fun truth-teller.  

Happy reading!

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