Colorful Creative Spaces to Inspire
Your creative space is your home base as an artist.
It’s where you play. Where you grow. And, sometimes, where you fail.
But it’s also where you will learn new skills and reach new heights.
It’s important for every artist to have somewhere they can call their own to get messy. To have fun. And, most importantly, to create.
Studio Chats_ Sarah Von Dreele
Friends, a very special studio chat today with my friend Sarah Von Dreele. We’ll get a glimpse inside the life, studio and process of this amazing artist + creative.
9 Habits to Help Take Your Creativity to the Next Level
Today, I want to share with you 9 habits to help take your creativity to the next level.
Newbies or established artists alike, I’ve found that these simple ideas are good to keep on hand for whenever you’re in need of a little can-do inspiration to just keep making.
Many of these things are small. Accessible. Meant to do each day to help you grow as an artist and a human. (because isn’t that the point of art? Growth as a human?)