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Scouts + Shouts

Hello lovelies! Happy Friday! What a week! I’ve (jill) been at home with a very sick little all week. She’s perking up today, but we’re still waiting on the last round of test results to see what shocked her little body into major illness this week. It was by far, the scariest week as a mom I’ve had, and I’m happy to be (hopefully) closing the door on it today. We’re looking forward to celebrating her 7th birthday tomorrow (YAY!) and Shay’s looking forward to a weekend of sports + boy momming.

Here’s hoping we both get a chance to sling some paint around a canvas or two! And you too! Did you know having your own creative practice has MAJOR happy benefits for you? See our tips on starting your own here.

On our bucket list? A trip to San Miguel de Allende during Dia de los Muertos. For now, we’ll just collage this amazing-ness with our littles.

Finally. A study in praise of messiness.

Seriously in love with this stacked sculpture garden. Anyone in Melbourne at the moment? Please send pics of the exhibit!

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