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A Quiet Lesson.

It’s so quiet these days. 

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The hustle and bustle of daily life, a distant memory. 

If I’m honest, I like it. A lot. 

I like these days of less busy to-dos. Full of more learning, more musts, more listening. More growth, more discovery, more real connection. 

Collectively, we’ve gotten both quiet + loud. Forming new voice around needed social change. Finding new ways of communication to stay in touch, in love, in connection with our people during an isolating and overwhelming pandemic. 

Yes, there are parts I enjoy. The solitude. The pause to check in with myself and shift my attention to being an observer. Someone always scanning, always watching, always reading between the lines. 

And there are parts I miss. Hugs. Seeing someone’s eyes and feeling their energy when you’re deep in conversation. Strangers enjoying a moment and sharing an all-knowing glance.

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For me, this quiet first began in 2018. Fresh out of a 20 + year corporate career where much of my success was built on leadership + presentations, I was TIRED of talking. I needed to get quiet to hear and see and observe where the universe was guiding me to go. 

I learn and hear and see so much better when I’m silent - but so rarely does life, or our minds give us a chance to lean into this. 

Through a bit more of quiet observation, I’m learning_

+Things aren’t always as they seem, and the quieter I get, the easier it is to see this. People, situations, projects, problems - I’ve found that with a bit of distance and quiet, I can usually see a path forward I would have missed with too much noise. 

+The most beautiful parts of my day, are usually the subtlest. My daughter's sweet face just as she falls asleep at night. The way the light moves across the kitchen table in the early hours of the morning. An unexpected color combo, found in nature.

+How to listen to my body. My energy. My heart. As an empath, I often struggle to feel my own energy vs. the energy of the people around me. Quieting my mind and my mouth helps me to attune to my emotions, my energy, my vibe and stay centered and focused on the right next steps for me. 

So, for now, I’m leaning into the quiet of these days. 

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The taking in of my surroundings. 

Focusing more on the listening and observing.

Experiencing the pauses, the silences, the beautiful moments. 

Taking it all with the fresh eyes (and ears) of curiosity. About people. The world. Myself. 

I think with enough practice (which I need DAILY as I often rush to speak) I will learn again how to use my voice more clearly. 

For good. For change. For love and light. 

To bring shape, and voice, and clarity to the thoughts and ideas swirling in my head. To make new art, in new mediums and formats. To write more stories. To have a broader impact on my world and my people. 

I’m loving the  peace and presence that comes from being slower to answer, slower to speak, slower to react. 

So friends, how is the quiet seeming for you these days? Exciting? Exhausting? Isolating? Rejuvenating? It’s different for each of us (and on any given day.) But. However you’re coping, whatever the quiet is bringing up for you - know it’s all okay. We’re in this together, quietly (or loudly - whatever your jam) supporting each other. 

Until Next Time,

Jill Xx

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